Thursday, April 14, 2016

Science Stream

Harini result ke matriks or form6 dah keluar kan. Congrats to anyone yang dapat.

Aku? I feel so stupid. Why? Sebab aku lupa nak apply for matriks. Okay trust me aku pun dunno knp lupa Hahha So I checked for the form6 punya. I got it. yup. JURUSAN SAINS. Ada happy ada sedih ada low confident semua ada. Ye la 2 tahun ambil science stream tapi result tak de la kira pandai giler kan. So..takut ambil? hah macamtu la. Eventhough aku serious suka belajar science, belajar in science class dulu.

So aku macam dapat negative feedback la lepas result SPM keluar last month. Like I was struck by an arrow. *Definitely not cupid's arrows* But somehow kan little part of me can't give up science. I mean, aku ndamau giveup. Aku bukan the type yang cepat giveup? hahaa

Some of my friends pun giveup after result keluar. Ada yang dulu nak jadi engineer, dentist semua tu :') Tapi in my situation ni, I'm not sure. In a bind sekarang nak masuk form6 sampai habis or tunggu UPU. serious.

Making decisions tak pernah tak susah T.T

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